TIFF is a popular image format that supports storing multiple pages and optical character recognition data in the same file. However, TIFF is not readily supported by many applications, so there are occasions in which you will need to convert TIFF images to other formats or to split the constituent pages as separate images. TiffSplitter can help you perform both operations easily.
The program has an intuitive but unattractive interface. It is divided into two panels with a file-browser style. The panel on the left is aimed to browse for the source files. It lets you select a complete folder and even process its subfolders. You can additionally set the program to preserve the directory structure once the splitting process has been completed.
In turn, the panel on the right allows you to select an output location. You can also apply rotation to the output images or convert them to JPEG. There are also overwrite modes to let you decide what to do when a file with the same name is found in the target location.
In general, TiffSplitter can become Handy when dealing with multi-page TIFF images. It has the advantage of being available from the command line. Moreover, it integrates with the system and can also be run from the file browser’s contextual menu.